eh telupa plak bg salam..hehe..
assalamualaikum smua..
haha.. sy tau korg smua mst dh tepu kan nk stdy?
eleh jgn tipu laa... dh pg2 cm ni mst xde mood punya nk stdy...
mst ada yg tgh duk update blog..
main dota la.. skodeng wall fb org lain laa..
duk usha mamat2 encem..
aweks2 cun lg sexy.. haha..
korg x payah la nk pepoyo duk pulun stdy awal2..
eh awal ke?? T___T
otak dh mereng.. stdy OM mcm nk gilak...
tpu la sape yg kte stdy OM tu best..hoho..
alamak!! telepas ckp lak..
kang Ms. syu baca mati lah aku!! huhu
hehe.. xpe2 sy dh tau nk mengarut pe utk paper OM..
sy nk tulis surat chenta kt Ms. syu..hahaha..
siap de otograp lg..hehe..
memandangkan dh boring thp gaban...
jom lah kita main testing2 diri kita...
apa itu love?
apa itu cinta?
sme je cme satu dalam bahasa inggeris n satu lagi dlm bm... haha..
its up to u how u describe the meaning of LOVE....
eh telupa plak bg salam..hehe..
assalamualaikum smua..
haha.. sy tau korg smua mst dh tepu kan nk stdy?
eleh jgn tipu laa... dh pg2 cm ni mst xde mood punya nk stdy...
mst ada yg tgh duk update blog..
main dota la.. skodeng wall fb org lain laa..
duk usha mamat2 encem..
aweks2 cun lg sexy.. haha..
korg x payah la nk pepoyo duk pulun stdy awal2..
eh awal ke?? T___T
otak dh mereng.. stdy OM mcm nk gilak...
tpu la sape yg kte stdy OM tu best..hoho..
alamak!! telepas ckp lak..
kang Ms. syu baca mati lah aku!! huhu
hehe.. xpe2 sy dh tau nk mengarut pe utk paper OM..
sy nk tulis surat chenta kt Ms. syu..hahaha..
siap de otograp lg..hehe..
memandangkan dh boring thp gaban...
jom lah kita main testing2 diri kita...
apa itu love?
apa itu cinta?
sme je cme satu dalam bahasa inggeris n satu lagi dlm bm... haha..
its up to u how u describe the meaning of LOVE....

there is 13 signs u r falling in love
1- u can't stay mad at him / her for more than a minute.. u r trying hard to mad but still can't
2- u'll read his / her sms over n over again
3- u'll walk really slow while u r with him / her
4- u'll feel shy whenever u r with him / her
5- while thinking about him / her.. ur heart will beat faster n faster..
6- by listening to him / her voice.. u'll smile for no reason
7- while looking at him / her.. u can't see other people around u.. u can only see THAT person
8- u'll start listening to slow songs
9- he / she become all u think about
10- u'll get "HIGH" juz by their smell
11- u'll realize that u r always smiling to urself when u think of him /her
12- u'll do ANYTHING for him / her
13- while READING this , there is one PERSON on ur mind the whole time..
jengjengjeng...who is that person?
is it ME?? haha..;)
oh so sweeeeettt!!!! *sewel lah aku ni* hee~
1- u can't stay mad at him / her for more than a minute.. u r trying hard to mad but still can't
2- u'll read his / her sms over n over again
3- u'll walk really slow while u r with him / her
4- u'll feel shy whenever u r with him / her
5- while thinking about him / her.. ur heart will beat faster n faster..
6- by listening to him / her voice.. u'll smile for no reason
7- while looking at him / her.. u can't see other people around u.. u can only see THAT person
8- u'll start listening to slow songs
9- he / she become all u think about
10- u'll get "HIGH" juz by their smell
11- u'll realize that u r always smiling to urself when u think of him /her
12- u'll do ANYTHING for him / her
13- while READING this , there is one PERSON on ur mind the whole time..
jengjengjeng...who is that person?
is it ME?? haha..;)
oh so sweeeeettt!!!! *sewel lah aku ni* hee~

then, i have some "quiz" to all of u..
plz arrange dis scrambled word.. haha
hint : if u luv someone.. u'll get the answer!
gud luck!!
plz arrange dis scrambled word.. haha
hint : if u luv someone.. u'll get the answer!
gud luck!!
of course it's not u! hahahah^^
BalasPadamromantic jwpn die!
am i right?
lau yes..i want hadiah! yeah! hehehe^^
woahhh ainna .. mmg sah2 n tiada keraguan.. mmg 101% sahih yg anda sedang berchenta..!! tahniah... X___X
BalasPadamAwak.. ko lupa nak bagi credit kat aku la..
BalasPadamhaha.. mesti jwpan ko adalah aku kan.. hahaha
:) nice